  • Qualitative Online Communities
  • Category Illumination
  • Market Segmentation
  • Future Volume Assessment
  • Market Landscape Assessment
  • White Space Identification
  • Strategic Activation Guides for Future Innovation Efforts

Unpacking the World of Snack Packs

The Challenge

A CPG manufacturer was hoping to capitalize on their existing strategic advantages in the macro-snack space to inform the development of a unique Snack Pack Kit offering. This client engaged us to size the opportunity and lay the groundwork for forthcoming innovation efforts.

Path Forward

To explore this category, we launched a three-day online community to inform the quantitative occasion-based segmentation that identified six specific consumer needs. Beyond key metrics, we further dimensionalized these segments by incorporating Circana data to understand current revenue as well as potential estimated revenue for our client based on the highest performing brand combinations.


Bringing it all together, we prioritized target occasions that align well with our client’s portfolio of brands and represent millions of dollars in new revenue growth. Further, we created robust activation guides to anchor their foray into future product innovation.