Defining the Snack Bar Category, Building a Foundation for Growth

The Challenge

Our client sought to re-imagine the snack bar category from a consumer perspective. With a vast array of products offering diverse benefits, we aimed to understand how the average snack bar customer navigates this space and what motivates their purchasing decisions.

Path Forward

Our comprehensive research approach studied consumer interactions with various types and formats of snack bars, assessing their perceptions of different brands within the category, and observing consumer shopping behaviors and missions via an online community. To deepen our insights, we conducted in-person shop-alongs, accompanying consumers on their shopping trips to observe real-time decision-making, followed by in-home group discussions, exploring category dynamics in depth with small groups of friends.


These consumer touchpoints revealed crucial insights into the current structure of the snack bar category and how consumers navigate the myriad of choices available. This foundational understanding will be instrumental as our client develops their future strategy for the snack bar category.